Elian (ThreadR)

Picture of me

Currently a second-year student in a MEng in Computer Science program at the National Graduate School of Engineering and Research Center (ENSICAEN), in Caen Normandy, France. I am passionate about Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence and I am willing to work and conduct research in those fields. During my studies, I have acquired a strong foundation and knowledge in maths and computer science and have completed various projects, as part of my master or not, as you can see below. I am seeking opportunities to apply my knowledge and skills to real-world problems and make a positive impact. Feel free to contact me.


project Retinal Scan Segmentation image thumbnail

Retinal Scan Segmentation

Currently, I am working on a team project for the University Hospital ...

project This Website image thumbnail

This Website

This website have been made with these technologies: NextJS, React, Ta...

More projects will be added.